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Lactation support


Anne is the owner of Birth Gardens Lacation


Birth Gardens is a leading breastfeeding consultant dedicated to providing expert guidance and support to new mothers. Our mission is to empower women with the knowledge and confidence to nurture their babies through breastfeeding.


Anne is an experienced international midwife in holistic birth and an International Board Certified Lactation consultant, specialized in Fertility Awareness. I offer personalized consultations, workshops, and resources to ensure a positive breastfeeding experience for both mother and baby.


Anne handles most of the post partum management at Mystic Waters Midwifery Collective including a 1 week home visit for lactation support. Anne also teaches a monthly breastfeeding class that is open to the public and is included in all mystic water home birth packages. Anne is also leading weekly breastfeeding support groups in different locations and these support groups are also included for all mystic water clients.




Anne LeClercq

1 week Home

visit for lactation

included for all

Mystic Waters

home birth clients




check your insurance

coverage for

anne's services



See birth gardens website

for all services open

to the public


Let’s Work Together

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